The Reading Corner and Literary Tips

Saturday, October 28, 2006

If I Were A Man and Had A Wife

Meet Brenda B. Matthews, New Christian Author

Are You Married? Husbands do you know how to treat your women? Women do you know what to expect from your better half. These are the questions that Brenda explores based on verses from the Bible in her new book.

This is her second book.

Husbands! Which category Do You Fall Under?

* The Christian Family Man

* The Christian Man With A Family

* The Ungodly Family Man

* The Ungodly Man With A Family

* The Wicked Family Man

* The Wicked Man With A Family

Husbands, love your wife and treat her as a precious jewel. Be reminded that your wife is a gift to you from God and all good and perfect gifts come from above.

If I Were A Man And Had A Wife describes the husbands listed above, unveiling their at home behavior so that they are enlightened, encouraged and equipped to be greater leaders.


If I Were A Man And Had A Wife will prepare aspiring husbands to be the head of his home as God requires and desires. Aspiring wives, know that God equates God-fearing women to wisdom; fragile, priceless, powerful, pleasant, joyous, and full of peace. Aspiring husbands and wives, search the scriptures together to learn God's instructions for marriage.

If I Were A Man And Had A Wife was written to change the hearts of husbands; bestow understanding upon wives; and increase everyone's prayer lives.

Brenda B. Matthews is the author of this life-enhancing, tear-shedding soul-transforming book. She writes spiritual songs, books, and pamphlets. Her anointed teaching ministry has redirected hundreds of saints and sinners to righteousness. She lives in St. Louis, MO where she is the pastor's wife of Temple Church of Christ. For more information about If I Were A Man And Had A Wife, contact the author at, Write to Prioritybooks, P. O. Box 2535, Florissant, MO 63033.


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